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Coffee and Magazines

helloooo there! im "a storied mind." im 19, from ct, and indy blue is my biggest inspiration. i hope to create a blog that will inspire other people.


i havent really decided where i want to go in life. i graduated high school and now im in college. i have a major that i enjoy studying. but sometimes i think to myself "is college really for me?"


i love writing, drawing, painting, photography, making videos, and documenting what i do in life. although my life is pretty boring, i wanna spice it up a bit. hence the blog. who knows where it will take me. i also love social media but i also think its the devil (check out that blog post ;))


i come from a really small town where you graduate high school and either go to college or dont do anything. its unheard of to become a blogger or social media influencer. but hey. im gonna follow my dreams. if it works out, it works out. if it doesnt, then it doesnt. 


go check out my "who am i?" blog. it goes more into detail as to who i am as a 19 year old. i like to think im interesting. maybe you will too. so follow along on this journey with me.


xo, a storied mind


p.s- CHAT WITH ME! you can fill out the contact form below and/or follow me on instagram. DM me! i love chatting with new people. find me at @_astoriedmind_ (yes, i know i barely have any followers. i just created this account. bare with me y'all).


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