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  • Writer's picturea storied mind.

5 things that make me, ME.

have you ever been asked in school "who are you?" and youre like "uh... a human? the f*ck you mean who am i?" i always hated answering that question. im the type that would rather sit in a bathroom stall than talk about myself in front of a whole class. i HATE being the center of attention. i dont know why. but i just do.


SO. who really am i? i thought id take that question upon myself and attempt to answer it. so here goes nothing.

1. i am selfless. its a weakness of mine but it makes me who i am. i have the tendency to do ANYTHING for other people. i forget about putting myself first. i put others around me before me and i have realized it takes a toll on me. i have decided that i am going try to be a little bit more selfish in 2020. so i guess ill try to. and you guys get to hear about the journey!

2. my anxiety. its also another weakness, but even more of a strength. it is what makes me so strong. i have grown so much because of my anxiety. all of the hundred panic attacks i have cried through, all of the "mom, i think im dying from a panic attack" phone calls, and all of the shoving my head into a pillow crying... have me 100 times stronger than i was before i experienced any of those horrifying things. but my mom always told me "you need to get through this anxiety. you ARE sronger that the voices in your head. you will come out stronger than ever." and i have. and i am proud.

3. i strongly believe in karma. a lot of the actions i take upon myself i always take karma into consideration. the energy we generate now and in the future will in fact affect us. so i always think about how my action will affect everyone around me. is that bad because im not living on the edge of life? i dont know, you tell me...

4. im creative. i am a person who loves art. i love drawing, painting, photography, writing... etc. at the same time, it kind of sucks. my mom (notice how i keep saying "my mom." shes my best friend and will pop up a lot in my posts. just warning ya now!) always told me "its tough being a creative person. theres not much you can do with your talent. its so hard." and i realize that now. at first, i wanted to go to college to become an art teacher. i love art and i also love kids. but EVERYONE told me it wasnt a good idea. and i listened to them instead of listening to my heart. i hope that creating a blog and expressing my thoughts through writing will inspire others to do the same.

5. im like REALLY sensitive. ugh. if you see me crying in public MYOB. im probably crying because the grocery store ran out of avocados. but since i am so sensitive i feel like i have superpowers. i can sense when others are sad or upset. i know, its weird. as someone who suffers from anxiety and is super sensitive, everyone seems to come to me with their problems. and I LOVE IT. I LOVE helping others! hence #1.

well, now that you know a little bit more about who i really am, i feel like i kind of do too. so thank you.

comment down below ONE thing that makes you who you are. id love to hear it!


xo, a storied mind

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